Monday 31 August 2020

Welcome Back to School!

 Welcome back to school - SPS Newsletter 30 January 2017| Pre-term update

Welcome back to Term 3! We are now in Week 7 at school.  

Today we started off with some Cosmic Yoga with Squish the Fish:

Here is the video for you to do at home with your family.

Then we shared news about the weekend and wished Ida (belated) birthday wishes.

Next we wrote about the weekend. You can do this at home too.

Writing: I want to know what you have been up to in the weekend. Write a story about what you have been doing?

Some ideas:
Have you been on any walks or bike rides?
Have you been baking?
Have you had any Facetime chats with your friends or family?
Have you played games with your family?

Remember to use:
-capital letters
-full stops
-finger spaces
-sound out words
-2-3 ideas

We played a game called Middle Game Sound Swap: Here is a great video with a game you could make and play with your family.

Can you change words by taking away the middle letter and putting another middle letter in its place?
e.g. mat-met

We did our reading groups and worked on blends. Here is our blends card to work on saying the blends.

Can you say all of the blends on the card?  First say the picture and then the blend like blue bl.

e.g. blue bl, bread br, chair ch, crab cr, drum dr etc

Please read some books at home and get your family to ask you questions about the story.

Shared Book:

Kelly Sports:

Then we went to Kelly Sports with Coach Tom! Here are a few photos of what we did.

We worked on balance today.  We got to balance with our bodies and bean bags. It was lots of fun. 

At the end we played Pirate Tag! We love playing this game.

Next we worked on doubles. Here is a video on doubles. You could sing them and write them down.

 Adding Doubles | Adding Doubles is same as Multiplying by Two | Addition  Facts

We also did counting backwards from 100 to 1. You can try this at home too. Here are a few videos to help you.

This afternoon we had Play-based Learning. Our focus was on sharing and turn taking. Here is a good book about turn taking.

Handwriting: This week we are working on the letter Dd (lowercase and uppercase)

Here is a song that you can sing at home with your family.

Art: How to draw a farm. Give it a go! Remember to you pause the video and watch it a few times to help you with drawing a farm.


If you would like to share your work please email me some photos to ( and I will share it on our class blog.

Happy home learning Room 5!   
Ms Mitchell


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