Monday 20 April 2020

Riley's Home Learning Fun!

Here are some photos of what Riley has been up to.

Fantastic 'at' words Riley.

 I love the loop track!

So many beautiful colours on your rainbow fish.

A delightful potion Riley.

Such a fabulous picture of Elmer from the story we read last week.


 Thanks for sharing your home learning Riley! 
I am so proud of all of your work.


  1. Ka pai Riley! I can see you are very busy at home creating and learning. I am super excited to see your picture of Elmer the patchwork elephant - I love these books too.

  2. Well done Riley, I can see you are really enjoying drawing, writing and cutting. I am very interested in your balancing dinosaurs! You will have to tell me all about that later.

  3. Good work Riley, Keep up the good work. You have kept yourself very busy doing such creative work at home.
    Mrs Bhatia
