Friday 24 September 2021

Home Learning: Friday

Kia ora Asja, Aiva, Charlie, Christopher, Darleen, Dezire, Eliza, Gau, Hoonam, Iti, John, Mikki, Oliver, Samuela, Santiago, Sasha, Starzia and TJ.

Today is Friday 24th September 2021
Can you say that out loud to someone in your house?

Fitness: A few songs to dance along with today.

Maths: Basic facts

Activity: Write down 10 number facts from the video.

Extra for Experts:

Count backwards by 5's

Count backwards in 5's from 100 and write the numbers down.

100 95  __ __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __ __ __

Missing Number: Can you complete the missing numbers on the following table?

Counting in 10's

Activity: Watch the video and then count in tens.  Can you write them down from 10 to 100.

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Handwriting: Two letters to work on this week...

The letter 'u' have a go at writing a line of letters.

Here is a video of how to write the letter 'y' ! Can you write a line of y's and maybe some 'y' words.

Shared Book: Polar bears

Activity: After you watch the video can you write down 2-3 facts about polar bears?

What do they eat?

Where do they live?

Art Activity: Draw a polar bear. Have a go! When you have drawn the polar bear you could write a story about it.

Craft Challenge Activity:
Make a nature mandala and send me a picture of your creation.

Your mandala may take on a theme. You can use what you have at home like some shells collected from the beach to make a beach theme or be more open-ended with a variety of natures loose parts. It is up to you.

Materials: Leaves, Shells, Rocks, Flowers, Sticks, Pine Cones, Ferns….

Step 1: Collect Your Materials

Step 2: Organise your Materials by Size

Step 3: Choose a center point and work your way out. This is open-ended and can evolve as you go.

Have fun making it and then you must take a photo of it and send it to me!

Ka pai Ruma Rima!

1 comment:

  1. Kia Ora Room 5 tamariki,
    I really hope you have all had a great week of learning at home. Did you know that the super hero fitness song is one of our favourites in Room 4! I really like the ideas on your blog for making a mandala pattern, I'm sure you will all have some very creative ideas of your own.
    Have a lovely weekend Room 5 tamariki, mā te wā.
