Wednesday 18 August 2021

Home Learning

  Hi Room 5,

I hope you are having fun learning at home.
If you would like to share your home learning please email me a photo to (
and I will share it on our class blog. 
 Happy home learning Room 5!
Ms Mitchell
Kia ora Room 5
Asja, Aiva, Charlie, Christopher, Darleen, Dezire, Eliza, Gau, Hoonam, Iti, John, Mikki, Oliver, Samuela, Santiago, Sasha, Starzia and TJ

Today is Wednesday 18th August 2021

Can you say that out loud to someone in your house?
You could try writing the date as well.

Listen to the video and sound out the words. Maybe you could even write them down?

Watch the blends video to help you learn the sounds.

Please watch the following video. Can you say the words before the teacher does?

Activity: After watching the video. Set a timer and try to write as many words as you can in 5 minutes! I wonder how many you could write?

Shared Books:
Here are a few shared books that you can watch. I think you will enjoy them.

Draw a picture from one of the books that you liked. You could write a sentence about which animal was your favourite or what animal you would want to be sent to you from the ZOO!
e.g. I liked the elephants because...
I would like a ...

Home Reading: 
I want you to read every night or have someone read to you. Remember to get them to sign your reading log too!

Maths: Sing along with the big numbers video.

Can you count backwards from 20?

 Activity: Now try to write the numbers from 20 to 1

  20  19  18  17  16  15  14  13  12  11  10  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  

Tens Frame Challenge:
Can you recongise the tens frame patterns?

Number pairs: Number facts to 10

Extra Challenge:
Have a go at writing the number pairs. I wonder how many you can remember?

Handwriting: Can you work on writing d's
Below is a video to help you write d's. Watch the video and then write d's onto some paper.

Room 5 Challenge: 
Can you draw a llama? Send me a picture of your llama!

Ka pai Ruma Rima!


  1. Kia ora Room 5, I hope you are all doing well in your home bubble. You have a lot of interesting learning activities to work on. Remember to read every day and fill in your reading log! Stay safe and take care.

  2. Hi rm 5 it's T.J. and my sister my favorite activity is Fittness because when your cold the dances make you warm.
