Thursday 12 August 2021

100 Days

We are 100 days smarter! We have reached 100 days of learning at school. We had a fantastic day celebrating and learning..

  • counting to 100
  • singing songs to 100
  • making 100 out of bears, blocks, dominoes, sticks, counters
  • making 100 day party hats
  • counting to 100 in groups of 2's, 5's and 10's

Here is our 100 day poem.

We counted to 100 lots of different ways.

We even did fitness to 100.

Here are a few photos of us making 100 in groups of 2's, 5's and 10's with Room 4.

We had hundreds and thousands sprinkles (fairy bread) to celebrate 100 days of learning at school.

We made 100 out of children too!

At the end of the day we wore our 100 day hats and got a special treat of ice blocks! Happy 100 days of learning Room 5. 

What a wonderful busy day we had celebrating 100 days of learning.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, 100 days of learning in Maths Week! Thank you for sharing your special day with us.
