Friday 5 March 2021

Home Learning Friday


                                               Kia ora 
Charlie, Darleen, Dezire, Eliza, Iti, John, Mikki, Oliver, Pepa, Santiago, Starzia and T.J

Today is Friday 5th March 2021

Can you say that out loud to someone in your house?
You could try writing the date as well.

Fitness: Squish the Fish


Listen to the song and sound out the words.

Activity: Now try to write some of the words. How many can you write in 5 minutes?


Please watch the following video. Can you say the words before the teacher does?

Here is a shared book that you can watch. I think you will enjoy it.

Draw a picture of one of the animals that you liked from the book. You could write a sentence about what you liked.

I liked the .... because it....

Te Reo: 
The colour song: Try to learn your colours.

Numbers: 1 to 10 in te reo.

Art Time: I saw these cool videos on leaf art and thought it would be a fun activity for you to do with your family. Now go outside and explore your garden (hopefully it is not raining) to find some leaves for your art. Remember when you finish making your leaf picture you could take a photo of it and send it to me.


I hope you have enjoyed learning with your family today. 

Take care and stay safe at home.

                                                                   💖Ms Mitchell

1 comment:

  1. Kia Ora, I hope you are all safe and well learning from home today. Happy fun Friday Room 5!
