Friday 5 June 2020

This Week in Room 5

This week in Room 5 ...

Poem: This week we had a poem with lots of 'ip' words.


Big Book:  Here is a photo of our shared book about alligators. It was a funny story about alligators at school.
Art: This week we worked on drawing alligators. We watched a few videos on how to draw alligators and then we drew them on our whiteboards. Next we had a go at drawing them on paper and then we painted them.  Here are a few pictures of our alligators.

Another fantastic learning week.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic alligator pictures Room 5 - ka pai!
    Here are my 'ip' sentences: I did a flip and hurt my hip. So, I had a sip of hot tea which burnt my lip!
