Friday, 30 August 2019

Book Week Assembly

Room 5 and Room 25 ran our Book Week assembly today. They performed on the stage and did a great job!  I was very proud of them today.

Here are a few photos from assembly

What a wonderful week it has been. Room 5 have loved Book Week.

We had so many activities for Book Week...
  • Book swap
  • Library (Reading with the Whanau)
  • Teacher Swap ( teachers swapped classes and read stories to them)
  • Stop, Drop and Read
  • Storyline online in the hall
  • Where's Wally competition (finding the hidden pictures in the library)
  • Make a bookmark
  • Lunchtime stories in the library
  • Book Character day
  • Book Week Assembly

Thursday, 29 August 2019

Folk Dancing Fun

Today we had our last session of ‘Folk Dancing’. We invited Tuatahi and the year 2 classes to come along and watch us dance. It was great to learn the dances and share our learning.

Here are a few photos of us.

Wednesday, 28 August 2019

Room 5 Book Week Dance

Room 5 are working on our 'Book Week' dance for assembly on Friday at 9:15. 
We are looking forward to performing on the stage.

Tuesday, 27 August 2019


Room 5 have PMP once a week in the hall. We love all the activities because you get to do lots of different movements.

We got to ...

  • jump
  • roll
  • climb
  • crawl
  • balance
  • hop
  • throw 
  • catch

We also got to write about what we liked at PMP. Here are a few stories about PMP.

Book Week

This week at school it is 'Book Week'

We have a Book Week assembly on Friday morning at 9:15 am.  Children and teachers will be dressing up as their favourite book character. 
Room 5 and Room 25 will be performing a short dance on the stage for Book Week. 
You are most welcome to come along and watch.

We love Stop, Drop and Read! When we hear music on the speaker we have to stop what we are doing and get a book then drop and read.

We also had a special visitor today...

There are lots of daily activities in the library. As well as the library being open in the morning before school on Wednesday and Thursday. Come along with your whanau and read books together.

When you go to the library as a class you can vote for one of these books.  Room 5 goes to the library on Wednesday afternoon and we are excited to vote for our favourite book.  The top three books with the most tokens will be purchased for the library!

On Tuesday's we have some helpers in our class in the afternoon. They read us stories today.

Room 5 loves reading and we are enjoying 'Book Week'