Friday, 23 February 2018

Maths: Statistics

We have been learning to sort data into groups and display the information on a graph.  We made a graph about our favourite t-shirt colour.  We are learning to look at a graph and talk about what we see.

Here are a few pictures of us making our graph.

The most popular coloured t-shirt was pink.

The least popular colours were purple, green, orange and yellow.

Room 5 Buddy Reading with Room 6

We had Buddy Reading with Room 6.  We get to read our book to a buddy and then we read our word book.

Here are a few photos of us reading together.

Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Maths: Statistics

In Room 5 we have been learning about Statistics.

We are learning to sort objects by:

  • shape
  • size
  • colour
Here are a few photos of us sorting shapes.

We are learning to gather data and sort information onto a pictograph. We made a pictograph of Room 5's eye colour.  Here are a few photos of us gathering information about our eye colour.

Music Story

We had fun listening to a music story today.   David's Mum told us a wonderful story and we got to try her violin.

Here are a few photos of us.

Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Room 5 Class Treaty

Room 5 decided on the rules we would like for our class.  Here are a few photos of us signing our class treaty and agreeing to follow the rules so that we can have a safe, happy and fun learning environment.

We all shook hands with Ms Mitchell and agreed to follow the rules. Then we signed our names and celebrated by sharing some kai.